Sock!t animated logo
Sock!t logo and avatar design
Social media web app design mobile

Mobile app screen design

Project summary

The Sock!t Social media web app is a platform designed for social engagement focused on polling. With a user base of companies, groups and individuals, it was of critical importance to create a standout user experience. The ability for a user to post polls quickly from any device and using simple tools to gain insights into the results of their polls guided the core thinking behind the UI/UX.

Tasked with the creation of full brand guidelines and digital assets, alongside the wire framing, full design and development of the platform’s web application.

Responsive web app design

Multi-device mobile app screen design and development

The process

Built from the ground up, we devised a series of wireframes in order to tie-down the system architecture and user interface design. Having gone though a few iterations of wireframe and refinements we reached the app design stage with a detailed map to guide the process. A key part of the design process was a series of user group tests, after which feedback was given allowing us to refine certain aspects of the interface architecture.

Once the user interface design visuals were approved we began work on the web app development to include the database setup, API, React user interface and custom administration areas, along with the AWS (Amazon web services) architecture, chosen to help scale the platform.

The user interface development phase followed an agile, component-driven approach, ensuring a high focus on the details of the user experience. This ensured visual accuracy and a thoroughly tested final deployment of the finished platform.


UI Design  UI Development  Backend Development

Polling and account page design shown on tablet

Tablet homepage design

Homepage design shown on tablet